Endless Tide
As endless as the tide, this brand new original has a myriad of blues, sea greens and turquoises flowing through its core. Created from pigment that has been mixed with stream water from the Black Mountains as well as earth from Scottish Munro's Ben Lawers and Beinn Ghlas, Endless Tide has an incredible root energy. The navy blues are combined with Welsh mountain soils and the browns are the result of ground river clays that have been lightened by smudging sage.
Endless Tide is extremely textured with dense layers of charcoals taken from a wild firepit in the heart of Parc Le Breos ancient forest. The wood you see fixed as a top layer is also from the same forest, having been taken from a fallen tree and dried over 6 weeks before being ground down.
With over 23 layers of natural pigment in total, theres a primal and wonderful vibration to this painting.
Finishing it off, Endless Tide has a seam of genuine 22 carat Latin gold, that drifts across its centre.